A Shift in Sands Read online

Page 5

  Jake tilted his head and looked for further explanation.


  Jake shook his head. It was hard enough doing it here. Being exposed like that for them. But a group of strangers, including at least one sociopath who was already a suspect in several homicides, Jake would be naked without his weapon.

  Naked. Naked and posing as Carlyle’s sex toy.

  “I don’t—wouldn’t they expect someone good at it? I’ve never… ” This couldn’t be the only way to get to Ziehe. After years of investigation, no one had a confirmed visual on Ziehe, let alone interacted with him.

  “We could work on your technique over the next few days. Frankly, since your masquerading as my new acquisition there’s a certain charm to your naiveté. Not clumsiness mind you, but the shyness and your awkward eagerness is enticing, especially to my more jaded associates.”

  This was beyond the call of duty. In no way was Jake trained or prepared for this level of undercover work. He’d learned more about his sexuality in the last few weeks than he’d known in the previous twenty-six years. And while personal growth was something he didn’t generally avoid, there was something about Carlyle, the things they were doing that worried him. What if he couldn’t find his way back after this? His job depended on him making judgments, upholding the law—but, he was compromised. What if it wasn’t Carlyle he should worry about, what if it was him? What if he couldn’t live without this? What if he wanted it, not for the case, but for himself?

  He’d never done this. He might be an overachiever, but there wasn’t a Boy Scout badge for cocksucking. “You sure it’ll work? That I can pull it off?” The alternative was unthinkable, visions of Meillier’s body flashed as a warning in his mind’s eye.

  “I wouldn’t worry about that. You’ll have plenty of practice before the party.”


  The sun was scorching, but a light breeze wafted across the water, and across Jake’s bare skin. Naked on Ziehe’s yacht, Jake was concentrating on the task at hand trying to ignore the urge to hide. There were people milling about the deck, some were clearly crew and others guests. Thus far, the security personnel he’d seen were posted along the dock and at the gangway. He had yet to meet his person of interest, but he trusted Carlyle. If he said that Ziehe would be there, then he would.

  Carlyle and Wallace were fastidiously slathering him in sunscreen. A couple guests had paused to watch before wandering along, Jake’s muscled tensed under their scrutiny. Wallace grunted and massaged his shoulders until they loosened. Jake ran his hand over one of the thick smears of lotion, rubbing the extra along his cock. Carlyle smacked his hand, then his cock.

  “No touching. Your hands are for crawling only. Do it again and I’ll bind them and then you’ll be stuck wherever we place you. However we place you. I might even offer Ziehe an alternate location to mount his flag pole.”

  Jake eyed the three foot teak pole flying Old Glory and quickly sat on his hands. Wallace coughed, hiding a chuckle as he rubbed more sunscreen onto Jake’s back. Carlyle stroked Jake’s cock, coating it, rubbing it in. A bead of fluid collected at the tip.

  “Stop that or we’ll just have to keep reapplying lotion.” Carlyle swiped it away as he finished. “Turn, ass up,” Carlyle commanded. “I want to makes sure you don’t get burned. Some of this delicate skin looks unaccustomed to exposure. We’ll work on that going forward, but until then you need to be covered.”

  Balls, taint, ass, and crack. Carlyle was a thorough man. He jostled the plug as he worked. Jake groaned as he applied layer after layer of lotion.

  “Quiet,” Carlyle reproved, and thumped the plug extra hard.

  Jake leaned against Carlyle’s thigh, the linen soft against his cheek. The rocking movement of the boat, and the gentle pull of Carlyle’s hand in his hair, lulled him.

  “You always do find the pretty ones.” Jake startled at the new voice, and Carlyle’s hand pressed against him reassuringly. A tall figure seated himself across from them.

  “What good are toys if you don’t want to show them off?” Carlyle continued stroking Jake’s head. “I see you’ve got your hands full as usual, Ziehe.” Jake tried not to stare at the mysterious man he’d been tracking for years, committing him to memory when they both turned to watch the figure bound to a railing, whom was presently being fucked, and, by the insults spewing from him, not enjoying it. Or maybe, enjoying it a lot.

  “Mouthy brat,” Ziehe shook is head and turned back to admire Jake. “I’d probably save us both a lot of trouble if I gagged him, but where would be the fun in that?” laughed Ziehe.

  “True,” Carlyle agreed. “Getting to punish them can be half the fun.”

  “You’re free to tie this one up alongside.” Jake glanced up at Ziehe, and quickly lowered his gaze.

  “This one doesn’t need to be punished. He asks for it. Isn’t that right, pet?”

  Jake looked up and nodded. Carlyle smiled as he shifted, and Jake felt a foot slide between his legs. He squirmed as it nudged the plug, pushing it deeper into his ass. Carlyle kept playing with it, bouncing his foot up and down as he conversed with Ziehe. Jake bit back a gasp and tried to lift up, but Carlyle’s hand pressed down firmly on his shoulder, making him ride the plug.

  “—Besides, I’m breeding him right now.”

  Oh god. Jake could feel his cock swelling. Why did all the filthy things Carlyle said excite him?

  “He’s got a couple loads already, and is waiting for more.” Carlyle tapped Jake’s shoulder three times. The signal. Jake wasn’t sure he’d be convincing, but they’d gone over this the last few days. Wallace had even chimed in on how Jake could cover his lack of training by providing a distraction.

  Consensus: act slutty.

  “A boypussy full of cum,” said Carlyle as Jake started rocking back onto the plug, pushing it deeper. “See. Begging for more, the little cockslut.”

  Jake groaned, only half acting as it felt so good.

  “You want to keep it in there, don’t you, boy?”

  Eyes glazed, Jake looked up at Carlyle and nodded. He must have been doing a pretty good job because both Carlyle and Ziehe looked at him avariciously.

  “Horny slut,” said Ziehe. “The new ones are always hungry, begging to be filled. Too bad. I’ll take a ride next time.”

  “Sure thing,” said Carlyle. With that Ziehe got up and wandered off to another group to chat up. Jake was still rocking. Carlyle grabbed his chin and pulled it back and up.

  “I’m going to breed you, boy. Fuck you full, until the plug can’t keep it in anymore and it leaks out.” Carlyle wasn’t whispering; guests tittered as they walked by, and Wallace was just to the side. “And, I’m going to record it all so you can’t ever forget how desperate you were. Make you watch how you beg.” He bit Jake’s lip and then pulled his foot away. Jake tried to rock against the deck only to meet Carlyle’s disappointed stare. Jake stopped.

  Jake squirmed again. Carlyle leaned over. “What’s wrong, pet?”

  Remembering the no speaking rule he gestured to his penis, not daring to touch it.

  “You need to pee?” Carlyle smiled at his vigorous nod and waved Wallace over. Handing him the leash he said, “Take him for a walk so he can do his business.”

  Wallace tugged lightly and guided Jake across the deck and stopped. Jake looked back to the hatch and the cabins confused.

  “Go on then,” Wallace said. “Piss, boy.”

  Jake looked down. There was a small drain on the deck. Surely, they didn’t expect him to piss here? He looked back up at Wallace who nodded ignoring the beseeching look on Jake’s face. Jake looked over to Carlyle who watched them, completely unperturbed as if he expected this.

  Jake wanted to say no, but he really needed to go. He shuffled around putting his back to rest of the boat.

  “No. Turn around, boy. Master wants to watch you.” Wallace made him circle around again with the leash. Jake blushed and glanced back up at Carlyle who was sipping
his drink and patiently watching. “Trust me, you don’t want to test him on this,” said Wallace.

  Jake squatted over the grate trying to aim, but without the use of his hands it was more difficult than he expected. The pressure was building, still nothing. Wallace didn’t say anything and Carlyle merely raised a brow. Blushing, Jake lowered his gaze as a warm, steady stream began to flow. It felt so good; almost as good as the orgasm he wanted earlier while playing with the plug. He sighed, nearly forgetting where he was until it tapered off.

  “Good boy,” Wallace praised. “Now, shake and tap.”

  Jake blushed as he lowered himself a few times to tap the head of his penis to the deck. When he was done Wallace ruffled his hair.

  “Come on. Time to go back.”

  He had just pissed on the yacht deck like a puppy, not a man. When did he agree to this, and why didn’t he feel like beating the crap out of Wallace or Carlyle? Jake could feel Carlyle watching the whole time, and he was no longer alone. They had discussed this during the week. Jake knew what was coming, what he was expected to do. He just had to follow through; he was suddenly glad he hadn’t eaten earlier. They were both smiling at him, embarrassed, Jake looked at their shoes.

  “All better?” asked Carlyle taking the leash from Wallace. “You look a bit pink. Probably time for some more sunscreen.” Jake blushed a deeper shade. He wasn’t ready for that again. Yet.

  “I think he’s just not use to the attention, Edward.”

  “Indeed, he’s not. I told you he was a new one, Donald. What do you think?” Carlyle ruffled his hair. “Still a bit of modesty to work through, otherwise lovely, no?” He tweaked Jake’s nipple, tugging and squeezing it until it smarted. Jake hissed and then Carlyle turned his attention to the other. As he played, it felt hot and swollen, tender—a bit like Jake’s ass. He squeezed his muscles around the plug in time to Carlyle playing with his nipples.

  “That’s better. Pretty.” Carlyle stepped out of the way for his friend to admire. He dragged his index finger up, tilting Jake’s chin.

  “Absolutely. He looks much finer with a swollen prick to match his titties.” Donald leaned down, slipped his finger along Jake’s lower lip. “Only, these don’t match.”

  Carlyle chuckled. “No. But that can be fixed, get them wrapped around a few cocks and they’ll plump right up.”

  “Excellent suggestion. He looks thirsty.” Donald unzipped his slacks and pulled his cock through the open placket. It was half-hard and already thick. Jake opened up as he stepped forward. “Polite, and such a pretty mouth.” He laid the head on Jake’s tongue, rubbing it back and forth around his lips. “Go on. Suck it, boy.”

  Jake bobbed up and down, sucking and licking, trying to take it all. Each time it was harder, thicker, and longer. He suckled the head of Donald’s cock trying to relax enough to swallow. Even with the practice, Jake wasn’t always able to deep throat Carlyle’s cock, and this one was bigger. He moaned.

  “So sweet.” Donald put a hand on the back of his head and pushed—too far. He started to choke, and sputtered until he could breath again. He could do better. Jake glanced up at the man from beneath his lashes, mouthing at the cock, suckling it. Carlyle loved that and Jake hoped his friend did, too.

  “Still new to taking a man’s cock aren’t you? Trying to swallow it all like a good boy. Such a pretty cocksucker.” He pulled out and ran the head of his cock around Jake’s lips. “Use your hand, boy. One at the base.” Jake wrapped a hand around as directed, his fingers barely touching. “Good boy.” Jake groaned as he started thrusting in and out, fucking his face; the thick cock stretching his mouth wide, saliva dribbling down, his lips smashing into his fist as he was used.

  “He looks so pretty taking it.” Donald kept fucking Jake’s face until he grunted, gave a couple of hard thrusts, and then pulled back to rest the head on Jake’s tongue releasing pulse after pulse of cum. Jake kept swallowing as it filled his mouth. He moaned. The fluid sat sweet on his tongue, not bitter at all.

  “Get it all. You earned a treat.” Donald looked pleased as he caressed Jake’s cheek with the back of his hand and ran it back to cradle his skull. Jake kept suckling until there was no more; Donald pulled it out with a pop. “All gone, pretty one.”

  Jake pouted, and he and Carlyle laughed. “Your boy is cumhungry. You should feed him more.”

  Carlyle unzipped and Jake fell upon his cock as soon as it appeared. “I don’t spoil him with a pineapple infused diet.” Jake loved how Carlyle’s cock felt, just the right size; musky, with soft skin and a plump head. Having watched Jake with Donald, Carlyle was already hard; it wouldn’t take long. He loved the taste and feel of Carlyle’s cock, and loved knowing immediately how much he was enjoying Jake licking and sucking him. Jake applied himself and managed to take it all. His eyes teared as he swallowed around his cock.

  “So perfect.” Jake backed off and took another deep breath before burying his nose in Carlyle’s pubic hair, licking his balls. They both loved this. Jake wanted to please him, make him proud—show Carlyle’s friend how good Carlyle was to him. Carlyle grabbed the back of his head and held Jake in place as he came straight down his throat. When he finally let go, Jake pulled back and gasped for air. “Good boy.” He finished suckling and licking any cum and spit off his dick.

  “What have you got, Carlyle?” A new set of loafers. Jake’s mouth was getting tired; a break would be nice. He rested his head on Carlyle’s thigh when he finished zipping up. “I heard you had a new whore you were training.” The voice was oddly familiar, tweaked his memory. Jake turned to look.

  Cade Reynolds.

  Reynolds smirked. There was no doubt he recognized Jake and knew exactly who he was. Reynolds’s eyes gleamed, his expression smug. “Oh, he is just as pretty as rumor has it.”

  Jake couldn’t believe his counterpart with the ATF was here, that his team hadn’t let him know. He knew that his actions were garnering a fair bit of interest from the other guests, but Jake didn’t want Ziehe or anyone else looking at the two of them too closely. They couldn’t afford for anyone to draw conclusions. Yet, Reynolds didn’t seem concerned. In fact, he was eying him intently.

  “I heard he’s hungry?”

  Jake looked to Carlyle hoping, but that was quickly squashed.

  “Go ahead, more eager than skill at times, but he aims to please.”

  No, not Reynolds. It was bad enough that he was here. Saw him… performing. He’d never live this down. Once it got around… well, it was misery guaranteed, but to suck his cock? Jake dropped his head.

  Carlyle cuffed his ear. “Go on.” He looked up at him, but Carlyle was ignoring him and his taps. “Get to work, boy.” And he nudged his plug, kicking gently to get Jake to move.

  He shuffled over and opened his mouth. He wanted to close his eyes, but didn’t want to be surprised, so he concentrated on a group of people sitting across the deck laughing and sipping champagne. It was as bad as he imagined—worse. The taste of lingering piss and sweat assaulted his senses. Off-kilter, Cade smacked his face when his teeth accidentally got in the way after shoving his dick deep on the first thrust and Jake choked.

  Donald tsked and Carlyle said, “No slapping.”

  Reynolds huffed, but restricted his hands to grabbing Jake’s hair and yanking him on and off his dick. Jake tried to pace his breathing, but the thrusts were uneven, and every time he failed sputtering. Reynolds’s cock went too deep, and tears trailed from Jake’s eyes, Jake desperately tried to cover his teeth and keep still as he battered away. When Reynolds started cumming Jake inhaled, started coughing. Displeased, Reynolds pulled his cock out and shot allover his face and chest.

  “Not very well-trained,” said Reynolds. “Lick it clean, boy.”

  Jake carefully licked the head of his cock, gently sucking on the end. Reynolds stepped away and tucked himself back in, then zipped up.

  “You’re a pig.” Carlyle said dryly, but Jake could hear the anger in his voice. “Touch my toy aga
in and I’ll have Wallace break your worthless neck.”

  “Your toy can’t swallow, of course he’s going to end up covered in cum.”

  “Messy is one thing. Shooting your spunk all over something that doesn’t belong to you is another.” Wallace stepped between them and Reynolds.

  “Whatever, it takes more than a pretty face. Don’t know why you bother. He’s not even that good.”